Guess what? Dubai welcome us in a very good way, heavy rain and cold wind. We have to come down from the plane by going down the staircase. Sorry no pic, because that time is 3:30am Dubai time... Father's friend pick us up and fecth us to his apartment to stay for few days. Well is still working day, so that we join thier family for shopping at Mall of Emirate...
We took the Dubai Taxi to lead us to the Mall of Emirate. Let the picture tell u something..
On the way to the Emirate Mall, we have a look how the dubai city look like..... and is different from Malaysia.
Random Picture that snap by me... housing area, only bangalo...
Count urself how many lane are there??
The building of Etisalat(Etisalat = telecomunication company. eg: Maxis, DiGi)
Out of no where, suddenly this thing pop out and i quickly snap it... look nice!! XD
Some of the stuff there are cheap but some of them is expensive like ____ !! As an example, a 320GB of harddisk also need AED500+ (same rate as RM). So we just have a look around the mall..